A downloadable game

You've broken into a massive warehouse to steal a prototype electricity gun. The only thing standing between you and a fat stack of cash is a long corridor of industrial obstacles... and the building's automated security. Every action has a reaction, and this particular reaction is a ten-meter tall steel behemoth with a cold disposition to intruders. 

If you want to escape effectively you'll have to cause some chaos; use your stolen weapon to fry security systems and destroy any crates in your path. Think quickly and move even quicker. Jump over hurdles, slide under shelves, but stop for one moment and you'll be pulverized. 

This game was developed by the T.H.O.R. group from West Suffolk College, consisting of four students. A list of the 3rd-party asset creators is below.

Sound Effects By: Coolshows, Nsstudios, Jedsphear, Ihermanns, Timbre, Nathan lomeli, Srehpog, Visualasylum, Kevin Macleod

Textures By: MaterialX, Freekpik


DeadVolt Run.zip 387 MB

Install instructions

Extract the .zip file and open the folder. Within that there is a notepad file that has further instructions. 

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